Over the weekend, scrolling through social media, this simple, wonderful quote made its way into my life. Your body is not a to do list. I reposted the quote and enjoyed hearing from some of you with your thoughts. All of us need this reminder from time to time.

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com

The to do list in the back of your mind may look something like this:

  • Lose weight
  • Stretch more
  • Drink more water
  • (Let’s be honest, this self-talk to do list goes on, and on, and on…)

While much of my content discusses ways to optimize how the human body functions and ages to improve overall mobility and quality of life, I support whatever behaviors help someone feel well, inside and out. This includes taking a break from self-improvement and hyper-awareness of health when it starts to become overwhelming or feel negative. Sometimes wellness means skipping a workout, sitting on the couch, eating your favorite snack, and binge watching a TV show. Yep. That’s normal people stuff and an important contrast that balances goal-oriented activities.

Photo by JESHOOTS.com on Pexels.com

No matter how worthy and important your health “to do” list is, I hope that you know that you body is also worth celebrating just as it is today. You may be in the middle of a health crisis. Keep going- you’re making it through, day by day. Lean on your support system, take time to rest, and see if you can enjoy life’s small moments. On the other hand, maybe you are feeling great and focusing on pushing yourself to try new fitness activities to maintain your high level of function. Congrats! Enjoy how that phase feels! At the same time, be aware that there will be setbacks in the future as you live life and evolve. Wherever you are, you wouldn’t be there without the amazing resiliency of your body, mind, and spirit.

Photo by Alex Andrews on Pexels.com

Self-improvement is an active, arduous process. It’s work.

Just like we need vacations from our daily activities, we also need and deserve vacations from the self-improvement mindset. We all work a full time job in one way or another. Retirement in particular involves a lot of time working on health maintenance activities. Doctors visits, phone calls to the pharmacy, dental cleanings, keeping up with various therapies- it’s a lot to manage. Even if we thrive in our office work as an employee or domestic duties as a stay-at-home parent, we still need a break from them. This is where focusing on hobbies, relationships, arts, sports, vacations, and simple fun comes into play!

Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

Wellness is personal. This means it will look different for each person. Let’s celebrate all the different paths to wellness, encourage each other along the way, and balance the hard work with some self-appreciation and participation in non-health-related activities. That is what makes life meaningful and fulfilling.

Your body is not a to do list.

Health and wellness are not the end all be all. Balloons aren’t magically going to start falling from the ceiling when you lose that 20#, or stretch more, or drink enough water, or… on and on and on…

Wellness is not a competition. It’s something that is meant to ultimately improve quality of life, not make you feel defeated. If your approach to wellness isn’t serving you, maybe it’s time for a change, or simply a rest.

Photo by Rachel Claire on Pexels.com

I celebrate and honor each of you, as you are right now. We’re doing well enough to take a breath and let ourselves be.


Published by breckelwell

Health information and education by a physical therapist with special interests in aging, health consulting, and wellness coaching.

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